
![cover_logo]( “”)

Board-Gamr is Game Engine to make console board games in c/c++ it provide all the necessary methods to make simple game using only ASCII characters It provides various types of Board,game Cards,Dice and Player modules. It works with all OS Windows,Mac,Linux etc because it used only standard header files.

NOTE : This game engine doesnt provide any GUI and works with console CLI based games.

AIM : The aim of this engine is only to provide the most efficient way of creating board games with pure c/c++ (no 3rd party library required) and with portability to any OS (Windows,Mac,Linux).

FEATURES : </br> 1)Fast and flexible modules and methods to create board/player,cards and more.</br> 2)Board module to access,manipulate game boards easily by row/columns/diagonals etc.</br> 3)Player module to access,manipulate player’s position/character easily.</br> 4)Card module to add/remove/shuffle/draw game cards easily with automatic deck management.</br> 5)Dice module to manage game die/dices and coins easily.</br> 6)Time module to manage game time easily.</br> 7)Font module to draw fonts that supports FIGlet fonts with no external dependency.</br> 8)Inbuilt tools for converting/filling all type of arrays.</br> 9)Adanced memory efficient design by selecting specific module at compile time.</br> 10)Portable Game engine works any OS (Windows,Mac,Linux) with pure c/c++ (no 3rd party library required).</br>

How to import any module :

Using specific module.

Using this format of macro USE%MODULE-NAME%MODULE example USE_BOARD_MODULE.</br> ![use_module]( “”)

Using all modules.

Use macro USE_ALL_MODULES to import all modules.</br> ![use_all_modules]( “”)

Engine Modules :

Board Module :

Init/Drawing various game boards :

Using BG_InitGameBoard() and BG_DrawGameBoard() methods.

Alternate game board</br> ![alt_game_board]( “”)

Sequential game board</br> ![seq_game_board]( “”)

Filling data in game board by rows/cols/diagonals :

Using BG_FillBoardRow(),BG_FillBoardCol(),BG_FillBoardDiagonals() methods.

Game data by row.</br> ![fill_row]( “”)

Game data by column.</br> ![fill_cols]( “”)

Game data by left/rightdiagonals.</br> fill_left_diag

Get information about game board :

Using BG_GetBoardInfo(),BG_GetPieceInfo() methods. Get board information.</br> ![get_board_info]( “”)

Card Module :

Get/draw deck of cards :

QUARTER-DECK Using BG_DrawDeck() and BG_DrawDeck() methods.</br> ![quarter_deck]( “”)

HALF-DECK Using BG_GetHalfDeck() and BG_DrawDeck() methods.</br> ![half_deck]( “”)

FULL-DECK Using BG_GetFullDeck() and BG_DrawDeck() methods.</br> ![full_deck]( “”)

RAND-DECK Using BG_GetRandDeck() and BG_DrawDeck() methods.</br> ![rand_deck]( “”)

Add/Remove/Move/Copy/Shuffle cards :

ADDING-CARDS Using BG_AddCard(),BG_AddCards() methods.</br> ![add_card]( “”)

REMOVING-CARDS Using BG_RemoveCard(),BG_RemoveCards() methods.</br> ![remove_card]( “”)

MOVING-CARDS Using BG_MoveCards() method.</br> ![move_cards]( “”)

COPYING-CARDS Using BG_CopyCards() method.</br> ![copy_cards]( “”)

SHUFFLE-DECK Using BG_ShuffleDeck() method.</br> ![shuffle_deck]( “”)

Player Module :

Get player turns :

PLAYER-TURNS Using BG_GetPlayerTurn() method.</br> ![player_turn]( “”)

RAND-TURNS Using BG_GetRandTurn() method.</br> ![rand_turn]( “”)

Get player position/percent :

PLAYER-POSITION Using BG_GetRandPosition() method.</br> ![rand_pos]( “”)

PLAYER-PERCENT Using BG_GetScorePercent() method.</br> ![score_percent]( “”)

Dice Module :

Roll dices/coins :

ROLL-DICE Using BG_RollDie(),BG_RollDice() methods.</br> roll_die

FLIP-COIN Using BG_FlipCoin() method.</br> ![flip_coin]( “”)

Fonts Module :

Drawing text in various fonts :

FONT-TEXT Using BG_DrawFont(),BG_DrawFontEx() methods.</br> ![font_slant]( “”)

FONT-DEFAULT Using BG_DrawFontDefault(),BG_DrawFontEx() methods.</br> font_default

FONT-WIDTH-ALLIGN Using BG_DrawFontArgs() method.</br> ![font_args]( “”)

FONT-WIDTH-ALLIGN-WITH-ARGS Using BG_DrawFontVargs(),BG_DrawFontVargsEx() methods.</br> ![font_vargs]( “”)

FONT-RIGHT-TO-LEFT Using BG_DrawFontRTL() method.</br> ![font_rtl]( “”)

Time Module :

Start/Stop/Delay time :

START-STOP-TIME Using BG_StartTime(),BG_StopTime() methods.</br> ![timer_start_stop]( “”)

DELAY-TIME Using BG_TimeDelay() method.</br> ![time_delay]( “”)

Misc Module :

Fill/Convert Arrays. :

FILL-ARRAYS Using BG_FillArray() method.</br> ![fill_array]( “”)

CONVERT-ARRAYS Using BG_ConvertArray() method.</br> ![convert_array]( “”)

Generate random and clear console screen :

RANDOM-GENERATOR Using BG_RandGenerator() method.</br> ![random_ranges]( “”)

CLEAR-CONSOLE Using BG_ClearScreen() method.</br> ![clear_screen]( “”)

BoardGamr-Engine Logs and errors :

Error/Exception Handling :

All the error/exception handling is done by engine itself like if you tried to enter invalid data in board,or adding wrong cards to deck or forgot to import any module from engine etc engine will throw error.So you don’t have to check for any error by yourself.


Methods Accessibility :

All Public and Semi-Public methods are accessible . But Private methods are not and library will throw error if you tried to access them.

![private_method_error]( “”)

Engine Logs :

Logs are disabled by default but if you want engine to maintain logs use BG_EnableLogs() method to enable logs. or if you want to disable logs again you can use BG_DisableLogs() method.

![enable_disable_logs]( “”)

DOCUMENTATION INFO : Go to docs folder and open index.html or click here BoardGamr-Docs

BoardGamr-Engine Version : V 1.0 Dated : 17/02/2019.